You were vaguely poisonous
As I remember
Part of the wrong crowd
A person to forget.
I tend to hallucinate
About you madly
Counting your fingers
Circling your palms.
You were never there
As I remember
Slipping quietly away
Before daylight.
I tend to hallucinate
About you badly
Your loser's charms
Pushing me down.
You were far too careful
As I remember
A wrong word too few
No comma unplaced.
I tend to hallucinate
About you gladly
A pale face at dawn
Drunk on cheap wine.
You were never obvious
As I remember
Unassuming except
In honest conversation.
I tend to hallucinate
About you sadly
Never mind love
Never mind, love.
------sept 10, 2002 blog entry, http://www.whereveryouare.org/weblog/
Judgepocalypse Now
35 minutes ago